Enable verification texts for Sprint

By default, Sprint blocks SMS text messages from some short codes, for some of their subscribers.

By specifically allowing PAYOMATIC's short code 58988 to send messages to your devices, Sprint subscribers can unblock your verification code.

 From your phone

  1. On your Sprint device, open your SMS messaging app. 
  2. Text the following message to 9999:
ALLOW 58988

 From your computer

  1. Go to sprint.com and sign in to your account with your name and password.
  2. Click My Preferences → Limits and Permissions  → Block Texts.
  3. Select the device you want to unblock messages on.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To unblock or allow all services, click Do not block any text messages
    • To allow text messages from specific numbers, select Allow only the following numbers for inbound or outbound messages, and add 58988 to the list of allowed numbers.
  5. Once you have made your selection, check that the symbol has changed to a green Updated mark.
  6. Restart your device to apply the new settings.


If you are still having problems receiving texts from the PAYOMATIC short code call Sprint's customer service at 1(888)211-4727 and ask them to enable or unblock messages from 58988.

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