How do I create an account?

  1. Download the latest version of the App from the App store
  2. On the First Time Registration page enter your phone number and click REGISTER
    1. If your phone number has been registered before you will receive a message informing you that the phone number is already registered.
    2. After clicking OK, click LOG IN and you will be redirected to the Home Page. Here you can enter your phone number and your password. If you forgot your password you will have an option to Reset it by clicking on “Forgot Password?”
  3. You will receive a Text message with a 6-digit code within 60 seconds of entering your phone number during first time registration. Enter that code in the next page.
    1. If you enter the wrong verification code, you will see an error that code is incorrect. You should retry and enter the correct code.
    2. If you don’t receive your text within 60 seconds click on Resend Code.  You will have the option to:
      1. Tap here for more information relating to fixing text message issues
      2. Request a phone call to get the 6-digit code with an incoming call to the number you want to register. Please make sure you are near your phone to answer the call.
      3. Resend Text and try to get another 6-digit code through text message
  4. Once you enter your 6-digit code you will be taken to the next page to enter your First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. Please make sure to enter valid information here. Once you enter the information click CONTINUE
  5. Choose a Password for your account. Enter it twice and click CONTINUE
    1. Passwords should be 8 or more characters, use both numeric and alphabetic characters and use at least one number. The app will validate that the password meets the criteria and that password entered in both places match. You will see a green check mark as each requirement has been met.
    2. After all information is inputted you can click on “Show” to see what you entered as the password
  6. Confirm your information and Create your Account. Make sure to review that the information you have entered is correct and then click the CONFIRM & CREATE ACCOUNT button. Creation of account make take up to 1 minute. Please be patient.
  7. Once your account is created, you will see a confirmation page where you will be asked if you would like to enable TouchID authentication. To enable make sure the toggle is green and click CONTINUE
  8. Your Registration is now complete!
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